Rencana dan Inspirasi Pernikahan

seashore during golden hour

This article will help you by providing examples of wedding invitations in English. Marriage is a sacred or holy thing for most people in Indonesia. Therefore, they will give their best effort from the beginning, starting from sending wedding invitations until the wedding ceremony ends. By using English, our wedding invitations will feel cooler, so let’s learn from the following examples of English wedding invitations.

Structure of Wedding Invitations in English
In a wedding invitation, there is a structure that needs to be included in the invitation. In fact, this can be said to be mandatory in an invitation. If this structure is not included, then it is not a wedding invitation. Here is the structure:
– names of the couple
– parents’ names of each spouse
– wedding date
– wedding time
– wedding venue locations
– request the honor of guest presence

Options for English Sentences to Request Attendance
For parts of the structure such as the names of the couple, parents’ names, and others, it is certainly easy to write because it is already certain. However, the sentences that request the attendance of the invitation guests vary depending on the invitation writer. Some use Indonesian, while others use English. This article will provide examples of these sentences so that they can be used as references.

1. Looking forward to seeing you at my wedding
2. It would be a pleasure if you could give your prayers and blessings by coming to the wedding day
3. We sincerely hope you can come and celebrate this special moment with us
4. Hopefully, you can join in our happy day
5. Hope you can make time to attend our wedding day
6. We thank you for your presence and blessings

Examples of English Wedding Invitations and Meanings
After knowing the sentences used to request attendance in English, now we will provide examples of English wedding invitations that can be used as references.

Example 1
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
To our dearest friends who received this invitation. We hope you can come to our wedding ceremony.
Groom: Muhammad Ali bin Fajar Ridho
Son of: Fajar Ridho and Nur Rizqi
Bride: Raiden Mei binti Muhammad Kevin
Daughter of: Muhammad Kevin and Yae Sakura
Day/Date: 10/18/2023
Time: 13.00-17.00
Venue: Merdeka Hotel
We sincerely hope you can come and celebrate this special moment with us.

Example 2
Glory to Allah who has created His creatures in pairs. O Allah, allow us to intertwine the love that you have created between our sons and daughters.
[Name of Bride-to-be] Daughter of Mr. … & Mrs. … …
With [Name of Groom-to-be] Son of Mr. … & Mrs. … …
It would be a pleasure if you could give your prayers and blessings by coming to the wedding day.

Those are the two examples of English wedding invitations. Hopefully, these examples can be used as references.


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