contoh absolute adjective

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Absolute Adjectives: Definition and Examples

Absolute adjectives are a type of adjective that do not compare the noun being modified to anything else. They simply describe the noun in an absolute sense, without any degree of comparison. In other words, they express a quality or attribute that is inherent to the noun itself.

Absolute adjectives are often used to emphasize a particular characteristic of the noun, or to make a strong statement about it. Unlike comparative or superlative adjectives, absolute adjectives do not require any form of comparison with other nouns.

Here are some examples of absolute adjectives:


  • Perfect – She has a perfect score on the exam.
  • 2.

  • Unique – Each snowflake is unique in its shape.
  • 3.

  • Complete – The project is complete and ready for submission.
  • 4.

  • Total – The total cost of the renovation was higher than expected.
  • 5.

  • Ultimate – His ultimate goal is to become a successful entrepreneur.
  • As you can see from these examples, absolute adjectives provide definitive information about the qualities or attributes of the nouns they modify.

    One important thing to note about absolute adjectives is that they are usually not gradable. This means that you cannot use them with words like “more” or “most” to indicate varying degrees of intensity.

    For example, you would not say “more perfect” or “most total,” as these phrases do not make sense when using absolute adjectives.

    Another key feature of absolute adjectives is their ability to stand alone without needing a direct comparison to another noun. This makes them particularly useful for making bold statements or emphasizing specific qualities.

    In conclusion, absolute adjectives play an essential role in describing nouns in an unequivocal manner without relying on comparisons with other nouns. They help convey specific attributes and characteristics effectively while adding depth and clarity to our language.

    So next time you want to emphasize a certain quality without comparing it to anything else, consider using an absolute adjective like those mentioned above!


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