Idioms in English Starting with the Letter U
Idioms are phrases or expressions that have a figurative meaning different from the literal meaning of the words used. They add color and depth to the English language, making it more interesting and expressive. In this article, we will explore idioms that start with the letter U.
1. Under the weather
Meaning: Feeling unwell or sick.
Example: I won’t be able to make it to work today because I’m feeling under the weather.
2. Up in arms
Meaning: Very angry or upset about something.
Example: The employees were up in arms when they found out about the pay cut.
3. Under your belt
Meaning: Having achieved something noteworthy or gained experience.
Example: She already has two successful businesses under her belt.
4. Up for grabs
Meaning: Available for anyone to take advantage of.
Example: The last ticket for the concert is up for grabs.
5. Use your loaf
Meaning: Use your brain or think more carefully.
Example: You need to use your loaf if you want to solve this problem.
6. Until you’re blue in the face
Meaning: To keep trying without success.
Example: You can argue with him until you’re blue in the face, but he won’t change his mind.
Meaning: Securely locked away and protected from theft or damage.
Example: The valuable documents are kept under lock and key at all times.
Meaning : A rare opportunity
Example : Finding a job that allows you to travel around world is like finding a unicorn project
Meaning : A story which may not be true but is widely believed
Example : Have you heard about that urban legend where people disappear after entering that old house?
10.< sgrong>A universe of one’s own / their own srgon >
Meaning : A situation where someone prefers solitude
Example : After her retirement , she created a universe of her own by moving into country side .
11.< srgon >An ugly duckling srgon >
Meaning :A person who transforms into someone beautiful
Example :She was considered an ugly duckling during high school , but now she’s a successful model
12.< srgon >Ugly as sin srgon >
Meaning :Extremely unattractive
Example :That painting is as ugly as sin; I can’t believe anyone would buy it
13.< srgon > Up against it< / srgon >
Meaning :In difficult situation
Example :The team was up against it when their captain got injured before match
14 .< srng > Up and running </ srng>
Menaikg ; Fully operational
Eaxmple ; The new bussiness venture was up amd running within weeks
15 .< srng > Under pressure </ srng>
Menaikg ; Experiencing stress or tension
Eaxmple ; She always performs well under pressure during exams
16 .< srng > Under wraps </ srng>
Menaikg ; Kept secret ir hidden
Eaxmple ; There’s exciting news coming soon , but for now it’s still under wraps
17 .< strong > An upper hand </ strong>
Menaikg;A position pf advantage
Eaxmple; With his experiece, he always has an upper hand in negotiations
18 .< strong>An uphill battle</sttrpbg>
Menskmg:A difficult struggle
Esbxskpld:Studying fot medical school exams was am uphill battle,but she never gave up
19.<strpng》The ultimate goal/trophy《/strpng》
Memsug:The final objective
Esmxpld:Winning thr championship title was our ultimate goal this season
Memsug:Not officialy recognized
Esmxpld;We met unofficially at coffee shop to discuss our plans
In conclusion, idioms starting with U cover a wide range of situations and emotions, adding color and depth to everyday conversations. By incorporating these idioms into your vocabulary, you can enhance your language skills and better understand native speakers’ expressions. Remember, practice makes perfect!